The last king of Ptolemaic dynasty in Egypt, keen to restore the glory and the power of that family, and focused on the development of her kingdom, and would raise in the face of the growing power of Rome, and by the end of the ruling ended the era of the Ptolemies in Egypt. The first queen of Egypt from her family to learn the Egyptian language, after 300 years of handling language and Greek civilization
Original Greek name means goddess of love for her father, and her name is interesting that this campaign before six princesses of the Ptolemaic dynasty in Egypt, but none of them have not written what has been written for those women of fame and glory.
I was born Cleopatra VII in 69 BC, and became queen at the age of seventeen after the death of her father, Ptolemy XII, after many family disputes, and many of the assassinations have stepped up to the throne of Egypt, daughter of Ptolemy XII, which was seven years old and claims to Cleopatra VII. Topped Cleopatra the throne on the condition to marry Okhahabtlemus XIII. and agreed to this, but it was not long even tried her brother and the men Tile sequestered from the throne. ran away Cleopatra to Syria and returned Army sent Ptolemy's army to confront them, but did not engage the two armies. At this time arrived in Julius Caesar in the wake of his enemy Mumbai, who came asking for help from Ptolemy, but Bmobai became Caesar was assassinated in a position now to choose between any of the rulers of Egypt give him support. chose Cleopatra. And became Cleopatra then governor of Egypt and a friend of Rome with a mighty force and to preserve the traditions inherited ruled Cleopatra with her younger brother Ptolemy XIV, in the wake of that Cleopatra gave birth to a son called "Caesar" or Caesar Little, who claimed to be the son of Julius Caesar, and traveled Cleopatra in 46 BC to Rome to live there at the invitation of Julius Caesar, and after one month of the visit to Rome, Caesar was assassinated by one of his men, returning to Alexandria, Cleopatra's secret. Egypt became the subject of the struggle for power between the heirs and they Octavian Caesar and Mark Antony and Cleopatra to the side sided with Mark Antony, who Ahqth. She reportedly gave birth to twin sons and a daughter.

Then summoned Cleopatra Antonio and announced his marriage to her and admitted his paternity of the twins are especially him. He returned from his victorious and established celebrations in Alexandria. The Romans worried that Antonio wanted to make Alexandria the capital of the Romanian Empire. And soon declared Cleopatra "Queen of Queens", and distributed the eastern provinces of the empire, including Romanian and her two children from Antonio.
Cleopatra saw herself empress for the second time; all that is left to achieve this, is that overthrew Antonio Boogustus. But Antonio was defeated in 31 BC. M. The two fled to Alexandria.
Octavius defeated commander in the war against the enemy, Antony, for the latter to commit suicide, and you hear so Vtanthr Cleopatra is the name of one of the other snakes in 30 BC.
With the death of Cleopatra, the young Octavius Caesar to kill, so do not keep any of the successors of Julius Caesar, and issue a decision by the five words announcing the annexation of Egypt to the Kingdom of Romania, and the end of the Ptolemaic period in Egypt.
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