Alexandre le Grand

Alexandre le Grand 

Alexander the Great became the master of Egypt without trouble,I redeemed Goddess Nile mind.

Alexander was born in Pella, the ancient capital of Macedonia. Northern Greece
Is the son of King Philip of Macedon
And I'm Princess Olympias
Born Alexander the Great
In 356 BC. M

Arrived Alexander to Farma, Egypt portal East, in the autumn of 332 BC. M., did not find any resistance from the Egyptians nor the garrison Persian border Vfathha easily, then across the Nile and arrived in the capital of Memphis, received by her family as an editor victor, then established cultural festival entertainment Greek-style celebration of this great victory. Then marched his troops shoe section Neil الكانوبي, heading to the Mediterranean coast, and landed traveler near Lake Mariot, and marveled at the importance of the place trapped between the lake and the Mediterranean, especially if the place close to the Nile River, which provides it with fresh water. I've found the place a small village called «Racodh», and then assigned one of his aides called «Dinoqratis» to oversee the construction of the city in this place bears the name of the commander of Macedon, namely Alexandria, destined to become the capital of Egypt later during the reign of Ptolemy successors of Alexander .

The remains of the Temple of Amun in Siwa Oasis, where Alexander the Great was crowned Pharaoh of Egypt and called the son of a great gods.
Engineers embarked on the design, Alexander decided to take a spiritual trip to the temple of the god Amun, corresponding to Zeus for the Greeks, in the Libyan desert oasis of Siwa. When he arrived the temple and income, was met favorably by prospective priests, who ambush Pharaoh of Egypt and they have declared the son of Amun large Egyptian gods, and clothed him and shape of the crown as head of a ram bicornis,  so Alexander Zulkarnain. Since then, Alexander allegedly took Zeus - Amon is his real father, and engraving head appeared later on minted coins decorated with the horns of a ram, a sign of immortality. Alexander then returned to Memphis, and before leaving Egypt was keen to be regulated carefully structured country. Was careful to maintain the systems of ancient Egyptian, and diversifying power between the Egyptians and Greeks, who put in their hands the power of military and financial, and kept the Egyptians administrative authority, and distributed authorities equally, not appointed Governor General of Macedonia, and so within the satisfaction Egyptians and the failure of the revolutions National. Egypt became this mandate Greek, and kept Alexander at Memphis as its capital, was also keen to open doors Egypt for immigrants Greeks private Macedonians, because Egypt is also imaginable commander Macedonian mandate was Macedonian Greek sentence, thought and culture, and that was a turning point in the history of Egypt, since entered a new phase of the various phases of civilization. Before leaving Alexander Egypt, reviewed his troops to say goodbye and stayed for the Egyptian people and the Greek sports and cultural festival as a symbol of cooperation between the two civilizations Aeriktin, as recommended by its staff to carry out some reforms of the temples and the renewal of the Temple of Karnak, and then decamp and moved his army to the east again.

Alexander reached Babylon in the spring of 323 BC. In a town called Sousse on the Euphrates River in Syria Alexander pitched his camp near the river in eastern Syria. After a period in the month of June in 323 BC. Suffered high fever died on impact, leaving behind a great empire and large parties.
According to another: he had died of Alexander the Great poisoned the name and put his own doctor who trusts him blindly trust and fell ill about two weeks and had him ring his to his army commander Birdakis, Ali sickbed and asked the soldiers to visit him in his bed and seems to be around him in that period were conspirators because of his actions and behaviors exotic as it at the end of his days the request of the Greeks idolizing at the time he was violent with many people in addition to propagation drinking. All these factors have made ​​some lurking and trying to kill him.


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