Hatshepsut Talking today about Queen Hatshepsut Is one of the few women who came to the throne of Egypt and told
King Menes
King Mena governor of the Kingdom of the south, unification of Upper with Upper Egypt around 3200 BC. M
This prayer inscribed on the sarcophagus of Tutankhamun Valley of the Kings that he hoped the gods Tot to receive him on her chest so that you can soul to be the star happy in the Kingdom of the stars Tot or gods.
The Great Pyramid
The Great Pyramid One of the seven wonders of the world and occupies an area of 13 acres and the original height of 146 meters
Ramses VI
The ratios of Ramses VI is debatable, but certainly now that the only son of Ramses III and Queen Isis. Built for his mother's grave in the Valley of the Queens took over for his brother, the son of Ramses V, who did not beget children. He had to make his reign a great period of Alrmssen like its predecessors,
Ramses IV
Ramses IV
Ramses IV changed his name in the second year of his reign was able to Mahavdp the achievements of the father of Ramses III, after his death the family began to collapse twenty. He made several campaigns to bring the gem rocks the construction of the Valley of baths and mines of Sinai, the army is safe from these
Ramses III
Ramses III, took power after the departure of his father twenty-six Nachti family. Was met with news of his inauguration was overjoyed by the general public to celebrate the reunification of the country again. Isis, his wife bore him several children, took the three of them and they rule of Ramses IV and Ramses V and Ramses VI. Ramses III lavished expensive gifts and deployed on all the temples of the country and ordered a comprehensive count of them and all the gods of the country Vtstrdja families of priests
Ramses I
Ramses I
Ramses I, chosen by Horemheb to succeed him, after that the index has held the minister in his reign. Statue discovered in 1913 near the door X temples of Karnak bears the name of Ramsis and bear the following text:
«Heir to the State complete, the master of the city and the Minister, senior archers, the master of the Knights, President of the royal seal, the commander of the vehicle of His Majesty, the Ambassador of the King for each country in the world, by the Royal Army Commander Syed two countries, the High Priest of all the gods, the representative of His Majesty in Upper Egypt and Lower , commander of the headwaters of the Nile noble ».
«Heir to the State complete, the master of the city and the Minister, senior archers, the master of the Knights, President of the royal seal, the commander of the vehicle of His Majesty, the Ambassador of the King for each country in the world, by the Royal Army Commander Syed two countries, the High Priest of all the gods, the representative of His Majesty in Upper Egypt and Lower , commander of the headwaters of the Nile noble ».
Nefertari wives are the most important pharaoh Ramses II, who lived in the era of the family in the nineteenth 11 century BC. Gave birth to many children of Ramses, but did not last one of them, like his father. Is also the mother Mritamon which has also become a queen. Nefertari is one of the eight wives of the favors of
The last king of Ptolemaic dynasty in Egypt, keen to restore the glory and the power of that family, and focused on the development of her kingdom, and would raise in the face of the growing power of Rome, and by the end of the ruling ended the era of the Ptolemies in Egypt. The first queen of Egypt from her family to learn the Egyptian language, after 300 years of handling language and Greek civilization
Omnovis III
What took Omnafis third rule, the city of Thebes of the largest cities and the dynamism of the richest cities in the world in that era. They kiss each Almfezlp from all over the empire. Cyprus has developed a wholesale and ............. Trade difficult for a person imaginable, and Egypt was at that time living refreshment and
Omnovis first
Omnovis first
Amnafis I (Amenhotep I) is the second Pharaoh of the Eighteenth Dynasty (about 1525 BC). Amnafis first is the successor of Pharaoh Ahmazis, which continued in the same direction set by his father. Came to power a small under the auspices of his mother, Ahmose Nefertari that he was able to take care of its own. Amnafis is one of the expansionist policy of Egypt (the idea of empire). His campaigns in Syria do not know much about it, but his campaigns in the south: heart Atsr Amnafis in several battles and within the control of his kingdom to the extent Hilfi Valley. In the eighth year of his reign he led his army to the borders of the Second Cataract to beat Oyono Setyo and seize the land extending to the fourth cataract. Either internally he built a chapel in the Temple of Osiris at Abydos in honor of his father. In Karnak he B_ed building in one of the temples of the
Alexandre le Grand
Alexander the Great became the master of Egypt without trouble,I redeemed Goddess Nile mind.
Alexander was born in Pella, the ancient capital of Macedonia. Northern Greece
And I'm Princess Olympias
Born Alexander the Great
In 356 BC. M
Arrived Alexander to Farma, Egypt portal East, in the autumn of 332 BC. M., did not find any resistance from the Egyptians nor the garrison Persian border Vfathha easily, then across the Nile and arrived in the capital of Memphis, received by her family as an editor victor, then established cultural festival entertainment Greek-style celebration of this great victory. Then marched his troops shoe section Neil الكانوبي, heading to the Mediterranean coast, and landed traveler near Lake Mariot, and marveled at the importance of the place trapped between the lake and the Mediterranean, especially if the place close to the Nile River, which provides it with fresh water. I've found the place a small village called «Racodh», and then assigned one of his aides called «Dinoqratis» to oversee the construction of the city in this place bears the name of the commander of Macedon, namely Alexandria, destined to become the capital of Egypt later during the reign of Ptolemy successors of Alexander .
The remains of the Temple of Amun in Siwa Oasis, where Alexander the Great was crowned Pharaoh of Egypt and called the son of a great gods.
Engineers embarked on the design, Alexander decided to take a spiritual trip to the temple of the god Amun, corresponding to Zeus for the Greeks, in the Libyan desert oasis of Siwa. When he arrived the temple and income, was met favorably by prospective priests, who ambush Pharaoh of Egypt and they have declared the son of Amun large Egyptian gods, and clothed him and shape of the crown as head of a ram bicornis, so Alexander Zulkarnain. Since then, Alexander allegedly took Zeus - Amon is his real father, and engraving head appeared later on minted coins decorated with the horns of a ram, a sign of immortality. Alexander then returned to Memphis, and before leaving Egypt was keen to be regulated carefully structured country. Was careful to maintain the systems of ancient Egyptian, and diversifying power between the Egyptians and Greeks, who put in their hands the power of military and financial, and kept the Egyptians administrative authority, and distributed authorities equally, not appointed Governor General of Macedonia, and so within the satisfaction Egyptians and the failure of the revolutions National. Egypt became this mandate Greek, and kept Alexander at Memphis as its capital, was also keen to open doors Egypt for immigrants Greeks private Macedonians, because Egypt is also imaginable commander Macedonian mandate was Macedonian Greek sentence, thought and culture, and that was a turning point in the history of Egypt, since entered a new phase of the various phases of civilization. Before leaving Alexander Egypt, reviewed his troops to say goodbye and stayed for the Egyptian people and the Greek sports and cultural festival as a symbol of cooperation between the two civilizations Aeriktin, as recommended by its staff to carry out some reforms of the temples and the renewal of the Temple of Karnak, and then decamp and moved his army to the east again.
Alexander reached Babylon in the spring of 323 BC. In a town called Sousse on the Euphrates River in Syria Alexander pitched his camp near the river in eastern Syria. After a period in the month of June in 323 BC. Suffered high fever died on impact, leaving behind a great empire and large parties.
According to another: he had died of Alexander the Great poisoned the name and put his own doctor who trusts him blindly trust and fell ill about two weeks and had him ring his to his army commander Birdakis, Ali sickbed and asked the soldiers to visit him in his bed and seems to be around him in that period were conspirators because of his actions and behaviors exotic as it at the end of his days the request of the Greeks idolizing at the time he was violent with many people in addition to propagation drinking. All these factors have made some lurking and trying to kill him.
Amenhotep IV or Akhenaten
Amenhotep IV or Akhenaten
Ameyevs from the fourth to Akhenaten
Joy and marital intimacy and mutual love is characteristic of the face of Queen Nefertiti. Pretty face to the point that he stayed on through the ages eternal star. The pattern is little visibility in the review of Queen Nefertiti, Akhenaten was sitting on my knees is the kiss. The scene of the king and queen and their daughters gathered in front of six of the god Aton temple of the sun rays and ended long hands gives each member of the family life remains a key witness to the love of the cohesion of the family property
Akhenaten's religious revolution
Djosermean holy in ancient Egyptian, is the Pharaoh of the old Queen, the religious reform in the entire country. Pharaoh peaceful, considered the founder of the old Queen, not only Bangzach Aledeimp but Babdath built by the architect Imhotep, who idolize genius after his death and considered him as the god Thoth or god Ptah. He was credited for the dissemination of Hajjar in the process of building and construction of the first known human pyramid (the Step Pyramid Besgarh). He also managed the most Aldhan in economic policies and cultural Bfha on the east
Sit Nachti
Sit Nachti
Six Nachti Pharaoh Unknown (New Kingdom) Twenty-founder of the family. We do not know much about his biography, and in particular the origin and membership of social, moreover, the short duration of his reign
The period of the Governance
Six Nachti Pharaoh Unknown (New Kingdom) Twenty-founder of the family. We do not know much about his biography, and in particular the origin and membership of social, moreover, the short duration of his reign. We do not know how was the transition from family to family the nineteenth century. It is clear that much is
Khafre or Khvran Pharaoh of the Fourth Dynasty. or fourth Pharaoh of the Fourth Dynasty Kingdom of the old rule between the years 2559 and 2535 BC, is built the second pyramid at Giza. Is most likely the son of King Khufu of a secondary wife, took power after King cliff-Ra, who had seized power. Resemble the pyramid of Khafre Pyramid of Khufu in his greatness. Features identify them through the Sphinx is located next to the
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Tutankhamun |
This prayer inscribed on the sarcophagus of Tutankhamun Valley of the Kings that he hoped the gods Tot to receive him on her chest so that you can soul to be the star happy in the Kingdom of the stars Tot or gods, the goddess of the sun and the garrison of the dead, that give birth to the sun after the swallow Stars night was the blood of Isis, the same magic of Isis and Isis, the great words with you to protect and guard this god Pharaoh Child Book of the Dead gods gods Isis witch universe daughter of Tot twin Nephthys soft wife god darkness.
Tuthmosis II
Tuthmosis II
Tuthmosis II Toole power after the death of his father, Thutmose I married Hatshepsut and because of the structure and poor health he died at the age between 25 and 30 years his wife came to power after him custody of his son, Tuthmosis III in his rule was able to control for the Kingdom, and puts an end to the revolution of
Tuthmosis III
Tuthmosis III
Tuthmosis III came to power after the death of Hatshepsut, the rule for nearly thirty years of the Kingdom of Pentagram a Mtdt limbs in the north to the Euphrates River and south to the fourth Cllat Nile was the leader and Astrajia skillful has led the colonies from Egypt and gave each of them self-rule administration in the custody of the strong and As in the reign of Hatshepsut was his aides and senior Modvin Zw High efficiency and loyal to the four campaigns in Asia routed alliance king of Syria and King Qdash and four other
Tuthmosis IV
The work of Tuthmosis IV in his reign that the peace and stability prevail in his kingdom signed a peace alliances with the Babylonians and Mitanni. He married the daughter of King Tuthmosis IV Mitani Artatama to become the first major of his wives was his victory march in the south and the process of domination and influence. Get out of Tuthmosis IV Sphinx from the sand and was built between his feet, a monument in
Horemheb (Horus celebration) at the end of his reign was marked by the rule of the Eighteenth Dynasty. The commander of the army in the reign of King Amenhotep IV (Akhenaten). Sand King Tutankhamun will assist the Chief priests Aye to stay on the throne and the impact of the child king Fat Aye declared himself Pharaoh,
(drag) is one of the kings of the first family is not known; two ways to write the first name associated with the name of Horus (Horus drag) Omz Balhelogriffi drag a bag of wool. The second name Ayati found in Abydos, and most likely this was his name at birth.
City II
City II
First son of Merneptah, Merneptah The City after four years of uncertainty as a result of the conflict the two branches of the ruling family. We do not have a lot of information about this particular period, but managed to recover the City II his throne and Hecm for
Sphinx, which takes the form of the lion and the head Adame as a symbol of strength and wisdom as it is said that the statue represents a very important god of the ancient Egyptians. Was originally a piece of stone Venant deformation place like this and maybe the owner is named king (blasphemed Ra) took the throne after Khufu for 8 years and before Khafre.
Lost head statue chin property and a cobra, which was found top of the head and there is a part of the chin is the Egyptian Museum and another part of the British Museum
Lost head statue chin property and a cobra, which was found top of the head and there is a part of the chin is the Egyptian Museum and another part of the British Museum
The rule of King Cheops Egypt nearly twenty-three years from 2574 until 2550 BC
Khufu was the second king of the Fourth Dynasty in ancient Egypt. Came to power after the death of his father Sneferu. Under the name of (fear Khanm Y) (ie the god Khnum, who protect me). From the village (menat Khufu) any (wet-nurse of Khufu) and is now the town of Beni Hassan. Sent missions to the Valley of Al Maghara to bring turquoise. Where he found his name and image represents an airing at the head of a pin person fighting. A statue of him and only found in the Abydos of ivory, carved his name on the throne, and the length of the statue of five centimeters, the Egyptian Museum and is now the rule according to the Papyrus (Turin) is about twenty-three years. Built in the reign of the Great Pyramid at Giza, and was the largest stone building in the world at this time, he called (the sister of Cheops), the sense of the horizon of Khufu was built in 2650 BC. M. Has supervised the construction min
Talking today about Queen Hatshepsut
Is one of the
few women who came to the throne of Egypt and
told much about her history
Hatshepsut, a word that means (the top of the nobility of womanhood)
Inherited power in 1500 BC and Can distinguish them thanks to the false beard.
Hatshepsut was the eldest daughter of the Pharaoh of Egypt, King Thutmose I, her mother, Queen Ahmose had fathered
her father King illegitimate
son was Thutmose II has accepted the Hatshepsut to marry him the habit of royal families to participate
together in power after his death, and that a
solution to the problem of the
lack of a legitimate heir to him.
The squeeze has a stable peace and security at home and abroad, under the military forces, as characterized its administration building and the advancement of the arts and commerce, and Hatshepsut was to imitate the role of the pharaohs of the men, given back the nicknames queens, and used the nicknames kings, and wore their uniforms in official ceremonies. Headed for Egypt's policy towards its administration in the continent of Africa, sent a trade mission to the country of Somalia (Puntland)
In the ninth year of its rule sent Queen Hatshepsut's trade mission to Puntland made up of several sailing ships crossed the Red Sea until they reached the Pont, and the mission made gifts to them, and then returned laden with large quantities of gold, incense, perfumes ebony and ivory, leather and some animals.

Recorded the story of her Bible on her temple temple of Deir el-Bahari, which confirmed she is the daughter of God "Amon" for not allowing women in Egypt to take over government objected Hatshepsut this story to govern Egypt 20 years after the death of her husband King "Thutmose II" and removed the heir of the legitimate King "Thutmose III" son her husband, who was young when his father died.

After the death of Queen Hatshepsut's temple exposure and effects left by the destruction of those left behind, especially King Tuthmosis III, son her husband, who has to wipe her name on the walls of temples, where he saw that she was raped ruled the country from it, and that deserving of them to assume power.